This page includes historic river stage (level) and flow data for the major rivers of Sierra Leone, and a few short records from commercial sites and from the Water Security Project.
Site Reference Numbers
Site reference number prefixes that are used link back to the maps generated in the 2015 Water Security Report:
Map 2, Proposed River Monitoring Network
Map 10, Rokel-Seli River Basin Water Security Project
* Those not prefixed are not shown on report maps. See Lists and Maps in Volume 1 Appendices.
Included Data
The types of data that are included in the downloads are indicated in the charts below as follows:
F Stream or River Flow
G Groundwater Level
R Rainfall
B Barometric Pressure
Tw Water Temperature
Ta Air Temperature
Data Owner, Collector or Origin
The data is made available from different sources which is listed in the charts below:
ADDAX Addax Biosciences
BWMA Bumbuna Watershed Management Authority
Met Dept Meteorological Department
MOE Ministry of Energy
MWR Ministry of Water Resources