A key role for the National Water Resources Management Agency is to monitor and report on the state of Sierra Leone’s water resources and use sound scientific data and analysis to inform our policy oversight activities. We publish a number of reports and studies related to water resources monitoring and management which are available for download below.
NWRMA Launches its 5 years Strategic Plan!
This strategy document sets out the agency’s mission and vision. It is a comprehensive plan and encompasses a wide range of activities that set out key priorities for the period 2019-2023. It is based on international best practices of IWRM for management of water resources by identifying weak water governance, weak framework for disseminating best practice and lessons in IWRM, challenges, opportunities and threats, internal strengths and weaknesses of the NWRMA, stakeholder identification and management and outlines various interventions to address the challenges.
Water Security Strategy Document
(Volume I)
This document sets out the vision and strategy of water security of the Ministry. It is the first of three outputs from the Sierra Leone Water Security Project which commenced in 2012.
Water Security Project Data and Analysis
(Volume III)
This Volume, the third of three, sets out the types of hydro-meteorological data gathered by the Sierra Leone Water Security Project both from historical sources and from a pilot monitoring network established in the Rokel-Seli River Basin. It then goes on to explain in detail how this new data compares to historical records and to interpret data in ways that have relevance to the management of water resources in the river basin. The final sections draw out conclusions and recommendations based on the experience of gathering data from community, government and other stakeholder organisations working together, and how this may be used to inform current plans to re-establish national monitoring networks in Sierra Leone.
Water Resources Monitoring in Sierra Leone
(Volume II)
This Volume, the second of three, begins by setting out the reasons why monitoring of water resources is so important, even in a country as well-endowed with water resources as Sierra Leone. It then goes on to explain in detail how monitoring of rainfall, groundwater levels and spring- and stream-flows can be undertaken. The final sections draw out conclusions and recommendations from the experience of the Water Security Project, as local and national attempts to scale-up these experiences continue.
Sierra Leone Water Point Report-Review Version (2012)
The Sierra Leone Waterpoint Report is the result of a comprehensive mapping exercise carried out in 2012. Led by the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, all public improved waterpoints in Sierra Leone were surveyed – over 28,000 in total. The full dataset has been published at www.SL-wash.org. This report gives an overview of the collected data and highlights key lessons that can be drawn from it. The in-depth information contained in the new dataset provides an empirical basis for investment planning and can help strengthen sector policies.
Produced by Government of Sierra Leone, UNICEF, WSP, UKAid, Maximilian Hirn
Sierra Leone Water Point Report-Review Version (2012)
The Sierra Leone Waterpoint Report is the result of a comprehensive mapping exercise carried out in 2012. Led by the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, all public improved waterpoints in Sierra Leone were surveyed – over 28,000 in total. The full dataset has been published at www.SL-wash.org. This report gives an overview of the collected data and highlights key lessons that can be drawn from it. The in-depth information contained in the new dataset provides an empirical basis for investment planning and can help strengthen sector policies.
Produced by Government of Sierra Leone, UNICEF, WSP, UKAid, Maximilian Hirn
The National Water Resources Management Agency Act (2017)
The National Water Resources Management Agency Act is the fifth of passed by the Parliament of Sierra Leone in 2017. The Act is one of the recommendations of the 2010 National Water Sanitation and Hygiene Policy. The Act provides for the equitable, beneficial, efficient, and sustainable use and management of the country’s water resources; to establish a National Water Resources Management Agency; to provide a Water Basin Management Board and Water Catchment Area Management Committees for the management of the water resources and for other related matters.
Other relevant publications
Please find below links to specialist reports on climate change, land publications as well as other relevant science and research reports, authored externally.
UNDP Climate Change Country Profile Sierra Leone
One of a set of country profiles supported by UNDP and produced by climate specialists at Oxford University, this document sets out current knowledge of present and future climate for Sierra Leone. Global circulation model projections of temperature and precipitation to the end of the 21st century are included.
ODI Report – Adaptation to Climate Change, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Naomi Oates, Ian Ross, Roger Calow, Richard Carter and Julian Doczi, January 2014
This report presents the findings of research into the risks to delivery of WASH results posed by climate change in Africa, drawing on rapid case study reviews of WASH programming in Malawi, Sierra Leone and Tanzania. It is complemented by a separate report setting out the country case studies.